OWNcloset has been a topic of conversation for a few weeks now. Friends, family and coworkers are doubting me and asking some good questions.
Are you allowed to lobby for clothes as presents?
NO! That is cheating. My birthday is around the corner and if someone gets me something in the wardrobe category that is O.K but I can't point out, drop hints, ask for anything specifically.
Accessories ... to buy or not to buy?
I think the jury is still out. But if I am going to do this challenge to the fullest effect, then the answer is NO. No new jewelry, scarfs, shoes, hats, purses, bags etc ...
Is trading clothes by mail allowed?
Yes, but it has to be a TRADE! You can't convince your cousin in Miami (everybody has one...) to send you something new! You are borrowing something from their closet. Not Macy's racks.
Isn't it silly to spend $$$ on alterations and mailing clothes?
Yes, but see the project is really to use what you already have. And be happy with your stuff. Saving money from not shopping for a year is an extra benefit.
Why are you allowed to buy under things?
Let's be honest.... I am not a man, so if my underwear has a hole it in - I am not going to continue to wear. Or worse, just throw it out and NOT replace it. Plus things in this category are close to your skin, get oils on them, get washed daily, and just plain wear out. I think the half way mark is a good compromise.
If you have any other questions, leave them in the comments and I will answer them!
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