Monday, July 4, 2011

Stars and Stripes

The 4th of July means something different to everyone. I am lucky enough to have grown up in Lititz, which has the longest running 4th of July celebration in America. It is a week long and consists of concerts, parades, firework preview shows, queen of candles, and the ultimate fireworks!  People put out blankets to claim spots to watch the fireworks starting at 6am! Its semi nuts, but if you don't - you won't have a place to sit! The 4th of July was also a weekend spent with cousins, signing our hearts out to songs like "My Baby is American Made" and "Proud to Be an Okie From Muskogee".  As I have gotten older a lot of my friends have joined the military and proudly serve our country. This year some of my close friends are deployed. 
A special thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you do.

Enjoy the slideshow of the weekend at Lake Norman celebrating 4th of July 2011!! We enjoyed time on the boat, awesome cookouts, great laughs, and spectacular fireworks!

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