Thursday, March 10, 2011


This past weekend my niece was baptized and I have the honor of being her Godmother. I am truly blessed to have Anna in my life. She is such a joy to watch grow up, and she is only three months old.  I know I am her Aunt, but being asked to share in her life in such a special way as her Godmother, is awesome.
Schreiter Family Photo
Anna peeped her eyes open just enough to see her Mom and Dad, and was totally ok with Pastor pouring water on her head. She didn't make a sound!
Anna is wearing a baptism gown that my Mom made for Kate and I, and was hand embroidered by my Great Grandma Midge.  She also had a baptism blanket that Kate and I used from our Grandmother. Its very special to be able to share all of these things and remember those who weren't there to celebrate with us.

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