Tuesday, February 8, 2011

2.7.11 Menu

I know all of you reading this are dying to know what I am cooking for dinner this week! Have no fear, I am not going hungry. This week was throw off a little because I spent the weekend at my sister's house and then came home to go straight to a superbowl party. Well, I did make one pit stop in the kitchen to make Buffalo Chicken Wing Dip. It was a 'hot' hit at the party!

Monday:: NC style pork bbq sandwiches, slaw, and broccoli
Tuesday:: SUSHI night! Headed out with some friends for $2 rolls.
Wednesday:: Waffles, bacon, and fruit
Thursday:: Chicken Stir Fry
Friday:: Porkchops on the grill with a mustard-ish sauce, corn, and salad
Saturday:: Celebrate Valentine's Day, so its a SECRET!

I have some super adorable pictures of my niece to post when I get home from work! So keep an eye out!

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