Friday, January 7, 2011

Week 1 Menu Planning

Over the holiday break I picked through my sister's recipes and magazines to find some new ideas to throw into my menu planning. My sister is a menu planner, and also keeps track of what is in her extra freezer, so she was a big help in bouncing off ideas. 

So this week's menu:
Monday - Caprese Chicken, noodles, and salad
Tuesday - Mexican Beef Chili
Wednesday - Baked Chicken, veggie, and rice
Thursday - Hamburgers on the grill, and salad
Friday - Fish of the week (aka whatever seafood was on sale)

After looking at the Sunday paper and clipping coupons, I decided Publix had the most items on sale that I needed and would be the best option.  With my igredient list for every meal in hand ... off I went.  (Marc came along, kuddos to him for being really good at math and figuring out even more savings!)

So with 2 ground beef based meals, I figured 1 pound of meat would work for both recipes and the same with the chicken.  When I got to the grocery store, I saw that ground turkey was BOGO (buy one get one free) So I quickly changed these beef based recipes to turkey, and even got some freezer food! The same went with Wednesday's menu - Tyson Grill Chicken Strips were on sale, plus a coupon so I went with those.  (Also giving me some extra freezer food)

During check out I saved all the coupons for last so I could see a bigger savings when the lady rung them all in at once.  I think we did pretty good.  5 days of breakfest, lunch, dinner, and some menu items for next week for 2 people right around $100.  Savings and coupons for this trip totaling :: $28.00!!! WOOHOO!

Already looking ahead, next week is FREEZER week so the trip to the grocery store should be minimal.  I know there are some yummy things in there stocked up!

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