Thursday, April 15, 2010

Positive Habit

With everything changing around me, I figured its a good time to make a positive change.  While thinking about something that I can change, and stick with - I decided I should call it a habit. So once I conquer positive habit number one, I'll find another one to add.

Postive Habit #1: RECYCLE!
I have recycled almost everywhere I lived, and always wondered why college apartments never had can or bottle recycling stations. I mean, come on, drink of choice here!?!  Since there isn't a bin near the dumpster in my apartment complex I find myself still in the habit of rinsing cans, bottles, milk jugs, and then they sit on the counter for a day, and then to the trash can they go. So I decided its time to do the ol' drop off recycling. Its really not that much of a pain in the butt, seeing as we do it at the beach house every summer. So as I was looking into this recycling project I realized that the drop off center is literally 2 miles from my house. Now I feel even more guilty.

First step: Find a cute recycle bin for my kitchen.
Second step: Enjoy some ice cold beverages.
Thrid Step: Rinse and RECYCLE!!

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