Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Just a small town girl

Ah, so you started to finish my thought with …"living in a lonely world” If this post was about awesome sing along songs at 519, or a regular Friday night you would be on the right track. But its literally about being a small town girl.

I have talked about some of the small town charms in Lititz before: Sturgis Pretzel factory, Wilbur Chocolate, 4th of July celebration, Roma pizza, Lititz Springs Park: but I have never mentioned my favorite past time in Lititz. In a community of roughly 9,000 people, I am going to guestimate that over three quarters spends their Thursday night reading the Lititz Record Express. OK, maybe that is wishful thinking that I am not the only person who scourers the police log, social section, and letters to the editors to chat up on gossip. Ever since I went off to college, ahem, 7 years ago, I have convinced my mom to save the Lititz Records until I come home so I can read them. It has become a tradition that Susan and I save our gossip reading for when we are together. The first night we are both in town, we get the stack of old newspapers, spread them out on the living room floor, grab a drink and get ready to read the ‘real’ news. This past week the same tradition took place. We had Lititz Records from mid October till now, and a brand new one seeing it was a Thursday night! YES!!

My parents were spectators and enjoyed laughing us commenting: ‘oooing and ahhhing, oh my-ing, did you know?!, WHAT, they did that?, who allows this to go in the paper? And much more … There were some classic Lititz headlines. We especially enjoyed the man who got a DUI at 4pm in the afternoon, the letter to the editor about the beloved 11 year old gold retriever that has been put to sleep, horse and buggy accidents, reviewing the dance policy at high school dances, new baby and wedding announcements of old classmates and much more. Susan and I both live for these reunions and not to many people really get how much fun it is! We are contemplating our own letter to the editor about this crazy tradition. We just aren't sure we really want to admit to our secret obsession :)

Hey, words gonna get around, everybody dies famous in a small town.

1 comment:

-k- said...

did you guys plan to match?